Joint Vibration Analysis for TMJ and Myofacial Pain

JVA scan shows sine wave graph from scan showing right partial anterior disk displacement with reduction

As part of every dental exam the Cape Dental Doctors palpate the face and TMJ’s to see if there is any clicks or pops associated with opening and closing the mouth.  Occasionally, a patient will have clicks and/or pops during the examination.  Thankfully, most clicks and pops have been happening for years and are not…

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Occlusal Wear: Why Do My Jaws Hurt So Much?

Human skull laying on it's side in rain and mud

What do you think the expected life span of a human being was 100 years ago?  Forty-three.  Life is so much more complicated today!  Are we living longer than our teeth were design to last?  Do people have more stress in their lives than way back then?  These are a few of the complicating factors…

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